nothing to see here

Only a few bright moments can pierce this deluge of dreck: like the neo-noir Brick or A Scanner Darkly. But both are are harder to find than the masturbatory Messiah complex casually assumed and vaguely described by M.Night Shymalan in Lady in the Water, where he puts himself into his movie as the guy who writes a book which changes the world into a utopia somehow. Hey, even Hitchcock only put himself in his movies as a passing bystander, not as Jesus.
Even Pixar had an uncharacteristic stumble with Cars, after ladling a bit too much Disney schmaltz into the mix. Its unclear what we are supposed to be romantic for in that movie, nostalgia for inefficient behemoths or the days before the Interstate Highway System. If you crossed that movie with An Inconvienent Truth, well there would be a film to capture the national Zeitgeist:
Watch as plucky plug-in hybrid Zip sees his humble Detroit electric car parents crushed by the evil Dinoco and the villainous Studebaker, he sets out on a cross-country odyssey to find a cheap source of ethanol over in Switchgrass, CA; Will his charge last? Will he encounter a sinister-looking Humvee who turns out to be a dying mentor/surrogate father? Will he rescue a sexy Asian love interest from a violent pack of smoke-belching Buicks? Will the happy ending involve a talking bioengineered gasoline tree?You're damn right it would!
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