the best show you haven't seen gets better
I try to make a point of blogging about television shows as little as can help. But an unexpected plot twist in the second season of one of my favorite shows is highly inspirational. Read and be spoiled. Sleeper Cell is a show about a California-based al-Qaeda cell planning a terror attack on Los Angeles. Last season, it was a chemical weapon in Dodger Stadium. This year, things look nuclear.

On last night's episode, "Faith", one member of the cell had a same-sex fling in the gym steamroom. And then he went to assassinate an Islamic televangelist. It provided for a fantastic character moment, when Salim's destructive rage and judgemental nature are revealed to spring from a reaction-formation of Haggardian proportions. In the second episode of this season, Salim had chopped off the hand of an arms salesman with a meat cleaver when he thought he had been cheated on a surface-to-air missile.

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