Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
Did anyone believe President Bush when he said that his 'terrorist surveillance program' would only be for international calls where one party is a suspected terrorist? After he has broken over 750 of our nation's laws which he doesnt believe apply to him. After he has abandoned any sense of limits in governmental power and appended dicatorial signing statements to the laws he's willing to break but unwilling to veto. After his recent suggestion that his brother JEb further the dynasty. No, there is little left to be drawn from that well. Now we find out that it is the 'world's largest database' storing perfect digital copies of tens of millions of Americans' phone calls that the NSA has.
This gigantic program, operated without oversight by members of the administration, would have been kept a secret until the War on Terror ended if the White house got its way, which is to say never. Again, why should we believe that this is not invasive? A simple cross-reference of the IRS Db could produce a very complete dossier on just about anyone. Suddenly, the man running this scheme, Gen. Hayden, is the new nominee for CIA chief. Of course, he does have access to what must be a trove of intentional blackmail info: what congressman is having an affair, who is really gay, etc. Already he is cancelling meetings with senators.
The more ironic aspects include the fact that the Justice department was denied security clearance to investigate. Saying that no 'mining or trolling' goes on is ludricrous considering that this information would not be gathered if it was not going to be analyzed. Of course, the President immediately invoked 9/11 to justify these egregious acts. Someday the American people will tire of the claim that that day gave the president unlimited power to snoop on the lives of average Americans.
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