la pomme putréfiée
France, in a colossal protectionist blunder, has just passed the most restrictive copyright law in the world. In a bid to outdo the draconian US Digital Millienium Copyright Act and fulfill the ridiculous EUCD, the French law DADVSI aka "The Apple Law" (in English:"law on authors' rights and related rights in the information society") has been slithering its way through the legislative process. It gives copyright holders and DRM producers the power to close website under urgency procedures, ask ISPs to solve their problems and get information on users. The French Constitutional Court handed down a decision removing key liberties from software developers and internet users:
- developers working on collaborative, research or file sharing software are no longer protected even if their software is intended for non-copyrighted works.
- potential fines for violation are increased to a maximum of 5 years and half a million euros.
- DRM producers can now 'obstacle a toute copie' or forbid any copy, including those made under fair use.
- DRM producers (like Apple's iTunes Store) are required to license their technology to competitors deemed worthy by the bureaucracy set up to enforce all this.

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