Sticks and stones
It is still a great mystery as to what was said to the French player Zidane during the World Cup that caused him to headbutt the Italian player Materazzi in the chest. What struck most observers was not how impulsive it was, but how deliberate: first Materazzi grabs Zidane's jersey

Just what could have spurred Zidane to lose it so savagely in front of an audience of billions? Speculation continues as the Italian player first denies that he said anything, then denies that he said anything particularly insulting while refusing to say exactly what he did say. Some people think that it must have been some insult directed at Zidane's family members, considering his mom is in the hospital. Others have heard that Materazzi called Zidane 'terrorist' or made a racist comment about Zidane's Algerian heritage. The latter seemed the most probable given the extremity of observed reaction, something extreme must have been said, beyond "yo'mama" trash-talk. Given the international nature of soccer, FIFA officials have been urged to consider racial taunts as more serious to the well-being of the sport than the usual taunts.
Whatever was said, Zidane lost his cool during a critical moment for his team. No insult requires that you are given unlimited latitude as to your revenge. Nevertheless, since the race-baiting tactics of his opponent has been so throughly glossed over, it should be noted that there has been sympathy in France for Zidane, as he is still regarded one of the greatest soccer players of all time and an inspiration to North Africans in Europe.
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